Featured Books

Inspirational stories of modern humanitarian heroes.



Better Off: How America Got Wealthy & You Can Too is a book of reflection, instruction, confidence, and undaunted hope. It is a rediscovery of the greatest economic and cultural system known to history. Dr. Jackson paints pictures of phenomenal possibilities of the brighter America of tomorrow. In an era of clouds and doubts, this book becomes a bright blast of sunshine to warm our future.


The Happiest Man in the WorlD

The Happiest Man in the World provides a unique and compelling insight into the life and legacy of a man who found true happiness in relinquishment and selfless service. In his inspiring story, Dr. Jackson describes his varied life experiences from making millions in mountain real estate development, to founding the international humanitarian organization, Project C.U.R.E.



Historical Heartbeat

Historical Heartbeat is a glimpse into the 25-year history of the incredible journey that started as a family project and has grown into the worldwide humanitarian organization, Project C.U.R.E. You too can discover the secrets that have been employed by Project C.U.R.E. as "Best Practices for Building a Business of Goodness" and enjoy the story and field photos of each milestone that was a significant point along the way.



Love & Common Sense

Love & Common Sense is the keepsake collection of personal photographs and seventy intriguing short stories. These stories are a blend of business, economics, and extravagant compassion that give lucid and dramatic insights into the selfless activities and adventures of Dr. James W. Jackson.



simplicity & sophistication

Simplicity & Sophistication is the second book in Dr. Jackson's keepsake collection of short stories. His experiences in economics and world travel have uniquely equipped him to meet challenges of the sophisticated world of international compassion and local deeds of goodness. 




 As a businessman, international economic consultant, and founder of Project C.U.R.E., Dr. Jackson's life has redefined the term "change maker." The Gift Box Set contains writings from Dr. James W. Jackson's global experiences, including countless intriguing short stories from around the world. This keepsake gift set includes two of Dr. Jackson's award winning books: Love & Common Sense, and Simplicity & Sophistication, as well as a Hard Cover Slipcase Box.


Notting Hill Press Books

Inspirational life stories.

The Spirit to heal

You’ve undergone tests, and are sitting in front of a doctor who hands you a bombshell. “I’m sorry, but you have cancer.” An explosion of thoughts racks your mind as your body sits numb and motionless. Cancer? Why me? What happens now? The Spirit to Heal is a personal look into the power of faith and how it transformed one woman's life - by saving it. 

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Paul Lewan writes his autobiography sharing stories of his boyhood in New Jersey, the joys of a growing family, the rewards and challenges of running a business, and the hope and guidance he has experienced in his relationship with the Lord.


A Serendipitous Life provides a first-hand account of the birth and development of the field of Psychopharmacology, nestled within the warm and personal memoirs of a former German POW and an American immigrant who became a renowned American psychiatrist and the world's leading expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders with medication.  

Everyone has a story to tell, and the preservation of that story is an important part of a personal legacy. Our authors have led extraordinary lives and share interesting and uplifting life experiences with our readers. If you have an inspirational story to tell, please let us know! Click Here for more information on Notting Hill Press and our Partner Publishing program.